Deuterium Bond Electrodynamics – Deuterium’s 2.224 MeV bond energy is an energy nexus between the Strong nuclear and Electromagnetic atomic energy functions, Yukawa’s and Feynman’s α√2mπ– + En = 2.224 MeV pion Up-Down quark exchange between particles, the quark-gluon mD – mU – ⅓En(me + En)/me = 2.224 MeV interaction within the proton, and the atomic domain 2En + ⅓En(me + En)/me = 2.224 MeV Electron Capture bond formation the pion operates on, and shows by Weak force decay relations that this bond energy is accessible from the Electromagnetic atomic domain as a non-statistical radiation free nuclear energy source. The Higgs Planck Scale Construct – Higgs boson decay measurement uncertainties and an energy density coefficient that correlates the forces shows why the electron and the proton are the only stable particles and the basis for matter. The uncertainty also provides a possible insight into Black Hole formation and a basis for Dark Matter.
The Higgs Mass-Energy Gravity Construct – Recent evidence of a 125 GeV Higgs boson at CERN, the result of light speed proton collisions, infers that the boson’s measured value is its rest mass value compounded by its speed of light momentum velocity, a ratio of the speed of light to ground state energy roots. The equation for its mass-energy thus turns out to be mH = [mp – 31/2(2mU + mD)] / α = 125.1 GeV, where mp, mU and mD are the proton, Up quark and Down quark mass-energies and α is Sommerfeld’s number, the ratio of the ground state to speed of light energy roots. A concept of mass and Gravity as effects of an underlying root interaction of Electromagnetic energy on the hc = h/(uoεo)1/2 impedance energy density of space is then developed. This also suggests that theoretical pron substate root components of quarks are energy information states of the mathematical model’s dynamic patterns.
The Higgs Condition – When The Higgs Condition is used in conjunction with Quark Relativity Transform, they collectively solve all equations for all the forces and fundamental particles from matter down to space, and from space up to matter.
By applying Maxwell’s EM Theory, Boltzmann’s probability in a system entropy function principle, and a spin-0 Higgs boson condition to Einstein’s Minkowski space-time, a model is developed that correlates the Strong, EM, Weak and Gravity forces as an energy density progression that derives from free space’s permeability-permittivity. A neutral time flow aspect of the condition is described in the Appendix that presents the natural laws as constant over time while time flow appears uni-directional but is really bi-directional at energy’s root content and information level.
Quark Relativity Transform – By the principle of Relativity and two corollaries, the Entropic Energy Density Progression and Singularity principles, the Strong, Electromagnetic (EM), Weak and Gravity forces are correlated. Derived sizes, mass-energies, magnetons, spins and bond energies for the Up and Down quarks, protons, neutrons and electrons are presented. Also presented are the quark generated pion mass-energies, Weak force decay times, a correlation of quarks and Gravity, and a basis for quantized energy states, distances, and statistical behavior that relies on Einstein’s 4-D Minkowski space-time.
The Singularity Principle – By mathematically deriving nuclear and electromagnetic phenomena and their interactions from a ground state of free space as a logic exercise, a correlation is established that extends to the phenomena and interactions of the other domains. This is accomplished by use of Singularity Transforms.
Quark Electrodynamics – Quarks, Particles, Electromagnetism, and Gravitational energy domains related to one another, with defined sizes, mass-energies as well as other defining energy transforms, providing a basis for particle mass and binding energies as the underlying mechanism for fision and fusion, while offering a nuclear energy alternative which bypasses the safety, waste, and technical difficulties associated with fission and fusion.
The Entropic Energy Density Progression Principle
Lagrangian Uncertainties
Comprehensive Unification Theory
White Paper – Untapped Profits in Energy
The Electron
The Proton
The Particle Effect
Wave-Particle Duality plus Abstract
The Right Hand Rule of Scientific Progress
– Response from U.S. D.O.E. Regarding the Discovery of Synthetic Neutrons
– Reply to Their Response, Clarifying the Misunderstanding
Quantum Behavior
Quantum Dynamic Relativity plus Abstract
Gravitational Cascade
The Neutron – Synopsis and Clarification
Nuclear Binding – Fully Explained
Lab Notes: A Unitary Field Theory, by W.T. Gray
Chapter 1 – The Superposition States of Planck’s Constant
Chapter 2 – Abstract and Radioactive Decay paper
Chapter 3 – Electrons, Neutrinos and Mesons
Illustrations: 37-a and 49-a